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Rebuttal of "Fact" 10

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10. "Gerry McCann on 4 May (the day after Madeleine went missing) said: “Yesterday, Madeleine and and the twins were put to bed in their respective beds at 7.30pm”. Yet when the police arrived at about 11.00pm, they found a bed where Madeleine was supposed to have slept and two cots. Moreover, in a magazine interview in January 2008, Gerry McCann said: “On one bed the twins lay sleeping."

Verdict - There are two assertions in this "fact".  The first is MISLEADING as the words attributed to Gerry McCann are not in fact a direct quote but rather a second generation translation of a paraphrased account of what he said.  Additionally, The use of the term "respective beds" is used throughout this third part account of Gerry McCann's statement. The second quote attributed to Gerry McCann is FALSE. It is a complete misrepresentation of the article in question. 

Source - Media Articles and Police Files.


Summary of Verifiable Facts


  1. Neither of the quotes which the MMRG have attributed to Gerry McCann are his actual words.
  2. The suggestion that Gerry McCann has been dishonest about the children's sleeping arrangements is entirely unjustified.



As with many of the MMRG's "facts", this one comprises several independent statements. 
MMRG claim

1) Gerry McCann on 4 May (the day after Madeleine went missing) said: “Yesterday, Madeleine and the twins were put to bed in their respective beds at 7.30pm” 


What was actually said:

This is not a direct quote as suggested by the MMRG but rather a second generation translation of a third party account of Gerry McCann's statement on 4th May, 2007.  It reads as follows:-
 "Yesterday, after the daily routine, MADELEINE and the twins were put to bed in their respective beds, and he stresses put to bed, at 7.30 pm." 


The "he" referred to here is Gerry McCann.


2) Yet when the police arrived at about 11.00pm, they found a bed where Madeleine was supposed to have slept and two cots.


What was actually said:

The MMRG seem to be suggesting that Gerry McCann was being in some way dishonest in suggesting that all three children were "put to bed" when in fact two of them were sleeping in cots.  Apart from the fact that "put to bed" is a common expression - even when "bed" is a "cot," the fact remains that this is not a direct quote from Gerry McCann but rather a paraphrase of his statement.  The use of the expression "respective beds" is used throughout the document in reference to all three McCann children.


Additional note

Far from displaying deception, Gerry McCann himself also appears to have described the sleeping arrangements in detail in the official account of his statement - "He states that the bedroom has two windows. The twins occupy two cots placed in the middle of the room and Madeleine occupies a bed pushed against the wall, facing the wall which has the two windows that look out onto the outside of the complex.")

MMRG Claim

3) Moreover, in a magazine interview in January 2008, Gerry McCann said: “On one bed the twins lay sleeping."


What was actually said:

The following is a direct quote from source - Vanity FairAs can be seen, the words which the MMRG falsely attribute to Gerry McCann by means of quotation marks, are in fact the journalist's voice.  Through the use of quotation marks, the journalist makes it clear that the only words which are a quote from Gerry McCann are "The scene was stark".


"It wasn’t until Kate walked into the villa at 10 and felt a sickening breeze—the front window had been jimmied open—that she realized something terrible had happened. “The scene was stark,” Gerry tells me. On one bed the twins lay sleeping. In the next lay only the plush cat toy Madeleine was never without. That was when Kate came out screaming, “Madeleine has gone!”"




Gerry McCann was consistent in his description of the children's sleeping arrangements in the apartment.  The inconsistencies in this "fact" have been created through misquotations.


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